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. 2018 Apr 18;5(4):171503. doi: 10.1098/rsos.171503

Table 2.

Mixed effects model results of summertime abundances of the most common arthropods at Zackenberg, as predicted by habitat type and the three principal components summarized in table 1. Higher values of PC1 are indicative of warmer active seasons and fewer winter freeze–thaw events; higher values of PC2 represent warmer non-active seasons, and higher values of PC3 are indicative of longer winters. Interactions between habitat type and each of the composite environmental variables were included in all models as fixed effects, whereas Plot and Year were included as random effects. Arid heath is the reference category for habitat type. Individual models were simplified by removing non-significant predictors one by one. Results shown here are from the most parsimonious models. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001, ***p < 0.0001.

fixed effects terms coeff. s.e. d.f. t p-value
intercept 1.220 0.122 15.25 10.007 <0.001***
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
mesic heath −0.499 0.110 4.23 −4.543 0.009**
wet fen 0.326 0.134 4.13 2.441 0.069
PC1 −0.231 0.120 30.95 −1.935 0.062
PC2 n.s.
PC3 −0.233 0.115 26.70 −2.029 0.053
habitat type × PC1
mesic heath 0.201 0.095 66.49 2.110 0.039*
wet fen 0.206 0.114 65.97 1.816 0.074
habitat type × PC2
mesic heath n.s.
wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC3
mesic heath 0.116 0.089 64.86 1.302 0.198
wet fen 0.274 0.108 64.81 2.528 0.014*
intercept 0.636 0.065 8.21 9.779 <0.001***
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
mesic heath 0.149 0.078 4.66 1.896 0.121
wet fen 0.364 0.096 4.61 3.804 0.015*
PC1 n.s.
PC2 −0.085 0.047 33.24 −1.813 0.079
PC3 0.052 0.047 33.48 1.104 0.277
habitat type × PC1
mesic heath n.s.
wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC2
mesic heath 0.115 0.046 64.91 2.514 0.014*
wet fen −0.023 0.056 64.86 −0.410 0.684
habitat type × PC3
mesic heath 0.019 0.046 64.97 0.407 0.685
wet fen −0.123 0.056 64.90 −2.208 0.031*
intercept 1.268 0.222 6.17 5.721 0.001**
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
 mesic heath 0.147 0.295 4.90 0.498 0.640
 wet fen −0.391 0.361 4.89 −1.084 0.329
PC1 −0.181 0.084 18.07 −2.151 0.045*
PC2 −0.220 0.083 17.44 −2.640 0.017*
PC3 −0.295 0.094 27.79 −3.138 0.004**
habitat type × PC1
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC2
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC3
 mesic heath 0.070 0.078 64.99 0.891 0.376
 wet fen 0.239 0.095 64.95 2.509 0.015*
intercept 1.037 0.091 33.65 11.383 <0.001***
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
 mesic heath 0.070 0.084 69.62 0.830 0.410
 wet fen 0.877 0.102 69.51 8.575 <0.001***
PC1 n.s.
PC2 n.s.
PC3 n.s.
habitat type × PC1
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC2
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC3
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
intercept 0.212 0.039 8.28 5.372 0.001***
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
 mesic heath 0.081 0.048 5.10 1.701 0.148
 wet fen −0.148 0.058 4.97 −2.555 0.051
PC1 0.122 0.039 57.34 3.159 0.003**
PC2 n.s.
PC3 0.063 0.036 47.07 1.779 0.082
habitat type × PC1
 mesic heath −0.100 0.044 67.36 −2.257 0.027*
 wet fen −0.088 0.053 66.60 −1.674 0.099
habitat type × PC2
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC3
 mesic heath −0.140 0.041 65.12 −3.375 0.001**
 wet fen −0.093 0.051 65.01 −1.831 0.072
intercept 0.162 0.039 6.36 4.140 0.005**
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
 mesic heath 0.101 0.052 5.09 1.935 0.110
 wet fen 0.027 0.064 5.04 0.421 0.691
PC1 0.016 0.025 55.61 0.632 0.530
PC2 0.015 0.023 44.87 0.664 0.510
PC3 n.s.
habitat type × PC1
 mesic heath 0.090 0.028 66.84 3.216 0.002**
 wet fen 0.003 0.034 66.32 0.099 0.921
habitat type × PC2
 mesic heath 0.069 0.026 65.30 2.638 0.010*
 wet fen −0.049 0.032 65.23 −1.542 0.128
habitat type × PC3
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
intercept 0.152 0.020 27.48 7.492 <0.001***
habitat type (reference category: arid heath)
 mesic heath −0.010 0.016 68.84 −0.644 0.522
 wet fen −0.100 0.020 68.77 −5.107 <0.001***
PC1 n.s.
PC2 n.s.
PC3 n.s.
habitat type × PC1
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC2
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.
habitat type × PC3
 mesic heath n.s.
 wet fen n.s.