Figure 6.
miRNAs of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis extracellular vesicles (EVs) are predicted to interact with different murine host gene networks. (A) Functional map of N. brasiliensis EV miRNAs and their target murine host genes categorized by PantherDB signaling pathway analysis (heat map corresponds to individual targeted genes in the murine host). Top axis shows the 52 identified miRNAs (termed as nbr-miR-ev#). IsomiRs are indicated in color. Graph represents the abundance (mean read counts from three biological replicates). Bottom axis shows their closest homologs (de novo transcripts are left empty). Homologs to miRNAs found in Trichuris muris EVs are marked by an arrow [according to Eichenberger et al. (37)]. * indicates miRNAs targeting genes involved in cytokine networks. (B) Total number of targeted gene networks identified by PantherDB categories classified as “immune system related.” Data are available in Table S3 in Supplementary Material.