Fig. 7.
Cp 43 decreased tau phosphorylation in murine and human neuronal models of tauopathy. a Neurons were prepared from Tau35 transgenic mouse embryos and incubated at 14 DIV with or without Cp 43 (10, 30 μM, 6 h) and lysates immunoblotted with antibodies to detect TAOK-pS181, TAOK2, tau-pS262/S356 (12E8), tau-pS202/T205/S208 (AT8), total tau, BIII Tubulin or HA. b Quantitative analysis of the relative levels of phosphorylated tau (12E8 and AT8) in Tau-35 primary neurons. The data are normalised to total tau and the bars represent the average ratio ± SEM (n = 6). c CTR or FTLD (10 + 16 MAPT mutation) iPSC derived neurons (60 DIV) were incubated with or without Cp 43 (10, 30 μM, 6 h) and lysates immunoblotted with antibodies to detect TAOK-pS181, TAOK1, TAOK2, tau-pS262/S356 (12E8), total tau or BIII Tubulin. d Quantitative analysis of the relative levels of phosphorylated tau (12E8) present in Cp 43 treated iPSC derived neurons. Data are normalised to total tau and are expressed as mean percentages ± SEM of the controls (n = 6). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01, one-way ANOVA followed by multiple comparison using the Holm-Sidak method