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. 2018 Jan 4;44(1):18–26. doi: 10.14745/ccdr.v44i01a05
Region Country/area of travel n Estimated Canadian travellers (May 2015–June 2017)b Estimated infection rate (per 100,000 travellers) Total # of travel cases per region Percent of travel cases per region Estimated total travellers to region Estimated infection rate per 100,000 travellers to region
Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda 4 102, 917 3.89 322 65.71 2,897,083 1.11
Bahamas 3 454,583 0.66
Barbados 53 394,375 13.44
Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba 4 - -
British Virgin Islands 4 52,083 7.68
Caribbean (unspecified) 12 - -
Curacao 15 - -
Dominican Republic 40 1,014,167 3.94
Grenada 10 25,208 39.67
Guadeloupe 5 46,042 10.86
Haiti 19 82,500 -
Jamaica 78 461,042 16.92
Martinique 7 9,792 71.49
Saint Lucia 8 88,958 8.99
Saint Martin/ Saint Maarten 17 17,292 98.31
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 8 17,708 45.18
Trinidad and Tobago 35 130,417 26.84
North America Mexico 47 4,012,292 1.17 47 9.59 4,012,292 1.17
Central America (unspecified) Central America 8 - - 76 15.51 780,000 9.74
Costa Rica 15 362,708 4.14
El Salvador 9 85,208 10.56
Guatemala 10 58,333 17.14
Honduras 4 138,750 2.88
Nicaragua 29 62,083 46.71
Panama 1 72,917 1.37
South America Belize 1 198125 0.50 45 9.18 1,082,798 4.16
Brazil 4 203333 1.97
Colombia 17 187,083 9.09
Ecuador 3 71,250 4.21
Guyana 14 135,000 10.37
Peru 1 274,792 0.36
Venezuela 5 13,125 38.10
Other Philippines 1 - - 3 - -
Thailand 1 - -
Vietnam 1 - -
TOTAL 493 n/a n/a 493 100 8,772,083 5.59

Abbreviations: “-”, data not available; N, number of cases; n/a, not applicable
a Cases who travelled to more than one region (n=14) were excluded
b Data source: International Travel Survey—Statistics Canada, 2015 data was adjusted to reflect estimated numbers over 25 months (May 1, 2015–June 1, 2017) (22)