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. 2018 Winter;17(1):124–139.

Table 7.

ADI (μg/kgbw/day) and Estimated Dose (ED) (μg/kgbw/day) for pesticides found in domestic and imported rice samples marketed in Tehran

Pesticide ADI ED a , b , c , d ADI (% e )
Carbaryl 8 0.0095 0.095
Diazinon 5 0.0099 0.199
Pirimiphos-methyl 30 0.0077 0.026
Deltamethrin 0.0109 1.09
Permethrin 10 0.0093 0.093
Malathion 300 0.011 0.004
Gamma and Alpha HCH 1 0.009 0.9
Chlorpryfos 10 0.011 0.11
Bioallethrin ------ 0.0093 -----
Piperonyl botuxide 200 0.0062 0.003

: EDs based on mean contamination levels.


: Using the mean residues. Level < LOQ were considered to be at ½ LOQ.


: Body weight for adults is assumed 60 kg.


: Calculated from the mean intake of rice in the Iranian dietetic investigation (110 g) in year 2002-2004.


: based on mean contamination levels.