Extended Data Figure 2. Summary of ChR2 expression in CnF and PPN for behavioural data in Figure 1 and Extended Data Figure 1ab.
a, Expression of ChR2 and fibre tip positions in CnF (left) and PPN (right) for data in Figure 1 and Extended Figure 1a,b,c,e. Coronal brain sections with viral expression from injected Vglut2Cre mice where superimposed on sections redrawn from a mouse brain atlas 38. The dark contour colour indicates centre of expression while the lighter contour colour indicates the border of the most extended expression. Round dot indicates tip of the fibre.
b, Expression of ChR2 and fibre tip positions in PPN data in Extended Figure 1d.
The mouse brain schematics in this figure have been reproduced with permission from Elsevier 38.