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. 2018 May 4;6:e4705. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4705

Table 2. Results of the permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) of the rarefied MOTU richness and Shannon diversity values for the two genes studied.

Post-hoc pairwise tests for the significant main factor fraction are indicated. Pairwise tests for the community factor, when significant, are presented graphically in Figs. 1 and 2.

df SS MS Pseudo-F p-value post-hoc test
18S MOTU richness
Site 1 3.57E+04 3.57E+04 0.72305 0.432
Fraction 2 3.54E+05 1.77E+05 43.712 0.001 A   <  B  <  C
Site*fraction 2 3,411.1 1,705.6 0.42163 0.634
Community (site) 6 2.97E+05 49,539 15.711 0.001
Sample (community) 16 50,559 3,160 1.6166 0.121
Residual 31 60,594 1,954.6
18S Shannon diversity
Site 1 3.421 3.421 2.7364 0.134
Fraction 2 8.9238 4.4619 17.815 0.002 A <  B = C
Site*fraction 2 0.13855 6.93E−02 0.27659 0.765
Community (site) 6 3.0166 0.25138 2.154 0.045
Sample (community) 16 5.078 0.31738 2.7195 0.007
Residual 31 3.6178 0.1167
COI MOTU richness
Site 1 18,869 18,869 0.41923 0.523
Fraction 2 1.70E+06 8.51E+05 5.78E+00 0.026 A = B < C
Site*fraction 2 3.39E+05 1.70E+05 1.153 0.336
Community (site) 6 2.65E+05 4.42E+04 1.0125 0.495
Sample (community) 16 6.84E+05 4.28E+04 0.66873 0.864
Residual 28 1.79E+06 6.39E+04
COI Shannon diversity
Site 1 1.6876 1.6876 2.7634 0.117
Fraction 2 11.172 5.5859 11.034 0.004 A = B <  C
Site*fraction 2 0.35745 0.17872 0.35305 0.702
Community (site) 6 3.7634 0.62724 5.1615 0.004
Sample (community) 16 1.881 0.11756 0.56391 0.892
Residual 28 5.8373 0.20847