Algorithm 3.
Causal MARS.
Require: Data (Xi, Yi, Yi), parameter D |
Define ℱ ≡ {{(xj − c)+, (c −xj)+} : c ∈ {Xij}, j ∈ {1,…,p}} |
Initialize ℬ = {1} |
for d in 1,…,D do |
for {f, g} in {{b(x)f*(x), b(x)g*(x)} : b ∈ ℬ, {f*,g*} ∈ ℱ} do |
dRSS = RSSτ − RSSμ |
end for |
Choose {f,g} which maximize dRSS |
end for |
Backward deletion: delete terms one at a time, using the same criterion dRSS = RSSτ − RSSμ |
Use out-of-hag dRSS to estimate the optimal model size. |