Fig. 2. Formation of periodic dislocation arrays and dislocation-driven growth of WS2 quantum wells at the WSe2/WS2 lateral interface.
(A) Schematic showing (I) the formation of periodic dislocation array, (II) dislocation-driven growth of WS2 quantum wells, and (III) formation of 2D quantum-well superlattice in the WSe2/WS2 lateral heterostructure. (B) STEM-ADF image of a WSe2/WS2 lateral interface without the formation of WS2 quantum wells. The epitaxial interface is highlighted by the yellow dashed line. (C) Corresponding strain distribution, overlaid onto the ADF image, showing the formation of periodic dislocation array at the heterointerface. (D) STEM-ADF image of a WSe2/WS2 lateral interface with the formation of WS2 quantum wells. The WS2 quantum wells appear as darker stripes with the same width. (E) Corresponding strain map, overlaid onto the ADF image, showing the presence of a dislocation core at the tip of each WS2 quantum well. Insets in (C) and (E) are magnified views of the strain maps at the highlighted dislocation cores.