(A) An overview of somatic alterations detected in matched primary and metastatic tumors across 38 TRACERx Renal patients. The top panel shows the proportion of clonal and subclonal alterations. In the middle panel alterations in primary tumors are indicated in a lighter shade and those detected in metastases in a darker shade. Clonal alterations are shown as rectangles and subclonal alterations as triangles. Parallel evolution is indicated in orange with a split indicating multiple events. Abbreviations for tumor sites: P, primary; TT, tumor thrombus; AD, adrenal gland, indirect metastasis; AD(D), direct invasion of adrenal gland; AD(CL), contralateral adrenal gland; Renal(CL), contralateral kidney; Pr, perirenal invasion; and Pf, peri-nephric fat and Gerota’s fascia invasion.
(B) The number of clonal and subclonal somatic alterations in primary and metastatic tumors.
(C) The number of somatic alterations (1) detected in both primary tumor (P) and the matched metastatic tumor (M), (2) detected in primary tumor but not the matched metastatic tumor, and (3) detected in the metastatic tumor but not the matched primary tumor.
(D) The proportions of synchronous and metachronous metastatic tumors profiled in the TRACERx Renal, HUC, and MSK cohorts.
(E) The range of the metastatic sites sampled across the TRACERx, HUC, and MSK cohorts. The total number of metastases sampled (n) and the number from each cohort are shown in brackets (Tx represents TRACERx Renal; HUC and MSK are extension cohorts).
See also Tables S1 and S6 and Table S2.