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. 2018 May 1;12:7. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2018.00007

Table 1.

Alignments of PW atlas levels (Groups 1–3) with S atlas levels (Group 4) by distance from β.

z (mm) 1 2 3 4 z (mm) 1 2 3 4 z (mm) 1 2 3 4 z (mm) 1 2 3 4 z (mm) 1 2 3 4
8.24 1 −0.11 18 −3.80 33 35 −7.68 97 −11.64 130
7.56 1 −0.12 34 −3.84 65 −7.80 49 51 98 −11.75 59
7.08 2 −0.24 35 −3.90 32 −7.90 45 −11.76 131
6.60 3 −0.26 18 18 19 −3.96 66 −7.92 99 −11.80 65 67
6.74 2 −0.30 19 19 −4.08 67 −8.00 50 52 −11.88 132
6.70 1 1 −0.36 36 −4.16 34 36 −8.04 100 −11.90 60
6.20 2 2 −0.40 20 20 −4.20 68 33 −8.16 101 −11.96 66 68
6.12 4 −0.46 20 −4.30 35 37 −8.28 102 −12.00 133
5.88 3 −0.48 37 −4.36 69 −8.30 51 53 46 −12.12 134
5.70 3 3 −0.51 21 −4.44 70 −8.40 103 −12.20 61
5.64 5 −0.60 38 −4.45 34 −8.52 104 −12.24 135
5.20 4 4 4 −0.72 39 −4.48 36 38 −8.60 47 −12.30 67 69
5.16 6 −0.80 21 21 −4.56 71 −8.64 105 −12.36 136
4.85 5 −0.83 22 −4.60 35 −8.72 52 54 −12.48 137
4.70 5 5 −0.84 40 −4.68 72 −8.76 106 −12.50 62
4.68 7 −0.92 22 22 −4.80 37 39 73 −8.80 53 55 −12.60 138
4.20 6 6 8 6 −0.96 41 −4.92 74 −8.85 48 −12.68 63
3.72 9 −1.08 42 23 −5.00 36 −8.88 107 −12.72 68 70 139
3.70 7 7 −1.20 43 −5.04 75 −9.00 108 −12.80 69 71
3.60 7 −1.30 23 23 −5.16 76 −9.12 109 −12.84 140
3.24 10 −1.32 44 −5.20 38 40 −9.16 54 56 −12.88 64
3.20 8 8 8 −1.33 24 −5.25 37 −9.24 110 −12.96 141
3.00 11 −1.40 24 24 −5.28 77 −9.25 49 −13.08 142
2.80 9 −1.44 45 −5.30 39 41 −9.30 55 57 −13.15 65
2.76 12 −1.53 25 −5.40 78 −9.36 111 −13.20 143
2.70 9 9 −1.56 46 −5.52 79 −9.48 112 −13.24 70 72
2.52 13 −1.60 25 −5.60 40 42 −9.50 50 −13.28 66
2.28 14 −1.72 47 −5.64 80 −9.60 113 −13.30 71 73
2.20 10 10 −1.78 26 −5.65 38 −9.68 56 58 −13.32 144
2.16 15 −1.80 25 26 48 −5.76 81 −9.72 114 −13.44 145 67
2.15 10 −1.88 27 −5.80 41 43 −9.80 57 59 51 −13.56 146
2.04 16 −1.92 49 −5.88 82 −9.84 115 −13.60 68
1.92 17 −2.00 27 −6.00 83 −9.96 116 −13.68 72 74 147
1.80 18 −2.04 50 −6.04 42 44 −10.04 58 60 −13.76 69
1.70 11 11 11 −2.12 26 28 −6.06 39 −10.08 117 −13.80 73 75 148
1.68 19 −2.16 51 −6.12 84 −10.10 52 −13.92 149
1.60 12 12 −2.28 52 −6.24 85 −10.20 118 −14.04 150
1.56 20 −2.30 27 29 −6.30 43 45 −10.30 59 61 −14.08 74 76
1.45 12 −2.40 53 −6.36 86 −10.32 119 −14.16 151 70
1.44 21 −2.45 28 −6.48 87 −10.35 53 −14.28 152
1.32 22 −2.52 54 −6.50 40 −10.44 120 −14.30 75 77
1.20 13 13 23 13 −2.56 28 30 −6.60 88 −10.52 60 62 −14.36 71
1.08 24 −2.64 55 −6.65 41 −10.56 121 −14.40 153
1.00 14 14 −2.76 56 −6.72 44 46 89 −10.60 54 −14.52 154
0.96 25 −2.80 29 31 −6.80 45 47 −10.68 122 −14.60 76 78
0.95 14 −2.85 29 −6.84 90 −10.80 61 63 123 −14.64 155
0.84 26 −2.92 57 −6.85 42 −10.85 55 −14.76 156
0.72 27 −3.00 58 −6.96 91 −10.92 124 −14.86 72
0.70 15 15 −3.12 59 −7.04 46 48 −11.00 62 64 −15.00 157
0.60 28 −3.14 30 32 −7.08 92 −11.04 117 −15.24 158
0.48 16 16 29 −3.24 60 −7.10 43 −11.10 52 −15.46 73
0.45 15 −3.25 30 −7.20 93 −11.16 118 −15.48 159
0.36 30 −3.30 31 33 −7.30 47 49 −11.28 −15.72 160
0.24 31 −3.36 61 −7.32 94 −11.30 63 65 119 −15.96 161
0.20 17 17 −3.48 62 −7.44 95 −11.40 53
0.12 32 −3.60 32 34 63 −7.56 96 −11.52 129
0.10 16 −3.70 31 −7.60 44 −11.58 58
0.00 33 17 −3.72 64 −7.64 48 50 −11.60 64 66

PW, Paxinos and Watson atlas levels; S, Swanson atlas levels. The numbers 1–3 denote different PW atlas groups, as described in the Methods: Group 1 = PW atlases published in 1982, 1986, and 1997. Group 2 = PW atlas published in 1998. Group 3 = PW atlases published in 2005, 2007, and 2014. All Swanson atlas editions (1992, 1998, 2004, 2018) are within Group 4. These tabulated data are represented using dot plots in Figure 2. Note that the Bregma values were measured directly by Paxinos & Watson for their (PW) atlases using stereotaxic procedures; these values have been used by Swanson to derive Bregma value estimates for his (S) atlases.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure