Figure 2.
NMR pulse sequences for heteronuclear spin order transfer. a) The asymmetric J‐connectivity in the para‐hydrogenated sidearm is exploited to transfer spin order from the added para‐H2 to the labeled carbons 13C3 and 13C4. The nuclei that compose the spin system of interest are highlighted in red. b) Pulse sequences for spin‐order transfer to 13C magnetization: b1) polarization of 13C3 and b2) polarization of 13C4. The thin and large rectangles represent 90° and 180° pulses, and the subscripts indicate the phases. The black filled rectangle in the sequence block (b1) represent a selective pulse on 13C3. The vertical dashed lines separate the logical blocks of the pulse sequence. The circled numbers highlight specific time points used to follow the evolution of the spin density operator through the sequence as reported in the list beside the drawing. The dashed 90° pulse after timepoint 9 is used to convert S 4y into S 4z for magnetization storage before the cleavage step.