FIG. 3.
Use of the multiplexed assay to quantify the response to 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO). Human lymphoblast cell lines were treated with 4NQO, and the DDR was profiled with the 62-plex immuno-MRM assay in biological triplicate. Control samples received no treatment, 4NQO-treated samples were harvested after 2 h. Samples labeled “AZD6738” refer to treatment in the presence of the ATR kinase inhibitor, and samples labeled “DMSO” contain vehicle only. Panel A: Heatmap showing the response to DNA damage induced by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide and the effects of AZD6738. Analytes detected above the LLOQ in all conditions are plotted in the heatmap. Panel B: The peak area ratio (light:heavy) for control (green), 4NQO (orange), 4NQO with vehicle (tan) and 4NQO with inhibitor (black) treatments. Error bars are the standard deviation of three biological replicates. The LLOQ is indicated by the gray dotted line.