TAF1 inhibition alleviates HG-induced decrease in endothelial nitric oxide bioavailability and tube formation. A, HAECs were incubated with HG in the presence or absence of 2-DG, apigenin or PEG-catalase and NO production from 4 independent experiments were assessed using DAF-2/DA as described. Quantitative results corrected by protein concentrations were shown. The results are represented as mean fold increases (±SD) in treated groups over basal values. * p<0.05 vs control; ♣ p<0.05 vs HG or HG+EV. B, Young HAEC populations were seeded on Matrigel basement membrane matrix in growth media with either 5 mM (control) or 20 mM glucose (HG) in the presence or absence of 2-DG, apigenin, catalase or GPX1 overexpression. Tube network formation was monitored by microscopy (×100 magnification) (upper panel) and quantified by counting capillary-like networks per field of view (lower panel). n = 3; * p < 0.05 vs. control; ♣ p < 0.05 vs. HG or HG + EV.