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. 2018 Apr 26;14(4):e1006106. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006106

Table 4. DeepLIFT contribution score orderings for 10 most predictive ICD9 codes.

DeepLIFT scores were computed using separate test samples and models from ten k-fold cross validation experiments; scores were summed across experiments. DeepLIFT scores were produced for each pair of feature, and output (race and ethnicity) class; we list ten ICD9 codes with the highest ranges of scores—which correspond to discriminative ability. The feature-to-class contribution scores were used to construct orderings of race and ethnicity classes, for each feature. Scores were summed across all samples. Positive scores indicate favorable contribution to a class, zero scores indicate no contribution, and negative scores indicate discrimination against a class.

Rank ICD9 Description Ordering of race and ethnicity classes (DeepLIFT scores)
1 401.9 Hypertension NOS H (961793) > B (723387) > W (330416) > O (102487)
2 789.00 Abdominal pain, unspecified site H (533874) > B (374665) > W (343653) > O (-45645)
3 V72.6 Laboratory examination W (385026) > B (-1114) > O (-23509) > H (-86539)
4 V70.0 Routine general medical examination at a health care facility H (139118) > B (-34600) > W (-35159) > O (-259566)
5 V65.44 Human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] counseling H (-162191) > B (-248484) > W (-355563) > O (-474608)
6 V76.12 Other screening mammogram H (535820) > B (425450) > W (414514) > O (253839)
7 V72.9 Unspecified examination W (313506) > H (212228) > B (193901) > O (68319)
8 V20.2 Routine infant or child health check H (28390) > B (-68712) > W (-136391) > O (-211301)
9 724.2 Lumbago H (252024) > B (169995) > W (97782) > O (15679)
10 V72.3 Special investigations and examinations—Gynecological examination H (-515409) > B (-643566) > W (-665030) > O (-741763)