Figure 6.
Long-term nuclear pedigrees. (A) Pedigrees are shown in A. gossypii. Initial (left image), final (right image), and selected subsets (purple-outlined boxes, middle six images) of a 7-h time lapse of A. gossypii nuclei. Purple box in left-hand image (t = 0’) is magnified and displayed to the right, outlined in purple. Outlines of hypha are shown as dotted white lines in each subset. Red circle denotes the parent (first-generation) nucleus to be tracked throughout time lapse. Images shown at 3′, 97′, 237′, and 403′ denote times of mitotic division events (anaphase or telophase) of the parent nucleus (3′) or its descendants (97′, 237′, 403′, 437′). Birth events (mitoses) of tracked nuclei in images are denoted with orange, yellow, green, and blue/pink arrows, respectively. The image at 437′ denotes final image of hypha acquired during the timelapse, with blue and pink arrows denoting location of fifth-generation nuclei. All images were taken with a 60× 1.4-NA oil-immersion objective with a 500-ms exposure per frame, 0.5-µm z-steps, and a 14-µm z-range. Images were deconvolved with eight iterations of a Richardson-Lucy deconvolution algorithm. (B) Kymograph of the region of interest around hypha from A. Multicolored arrows denote same events as in A. Tracks of nuclei have been false-colored to highlight their lifespans, with the birth of each colored nucleus denoted with colored arrowheads. Note the nuclear bypassing event of blue and pink nuclei at ∼415′. (C) Nuclear pedigree tree of the lineage highlighted in A and B. Colored nuclei correspond to the colored arrows shown in A and B, and colored tracks correspond to the false-colored tracks in B. Cell-cycle lengths (as measured by the length of time between mitoses) are indicated in minutes above each nuclear lifespan. Dotted lines indicate nuclei that moved out of the region of interest, could not be tracked or underwent their next division outside of the acquisition timeline.