Fig. 2. Nephron progenitors show premature depletion.
At E14.5 and E16.5 the nephron progenitors in wild type kidneys show strong SIX2 (green) labeling. In the Hoxa9,10,11/Hoxd9,10,11 homozygous mutants (aadd) nephron progenitors are rare by E14.5 (top right panel) and with only an occasional cluster of remaining cells at E16.5 (bottom right panel). MAFBP (purple) marks the podocytes in the forming glomeruli (red arrowheads). Glomeruli do form in the aadd mutant kidney but are present at greatly reduced numbers at E16.5 compared to wild type. There was variable expressivity, with some mutant kidneys showing more severe phenotypes than others.