Fig. 7. Hox mutant kidney tubules double label with proximal tubule and collecting duct markers.
To further confirm the observed lineage infidelity additional tubule segment specific marker combinations were used. E18.5 wild type (AADD, top panels) and Hoxa9,10,11/Hoxd9,10,11 mutant (aadd, middle and bottom panels) kidneys were labeled with LTA (proximal tubules, green), DBA (collecting ducts, red) and KRT8 (collecting duct, blue) specific markers. In the wild type kidneys individual tubules uniquely labeled with markers of a single segment type. In the mutant kidneys, however, most tubules included a mix of cells that labeled with collecting duct or proximal tubule markers, and in many cases single cells showed dual identity, labeling for both proximal tubule and collecting duct markers, with arrowheads pointing to a few examples. In the bottom panels one tubule (arrows) uniquely labeled with collecting duct markers, while all others show mixed identity.