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. 2018 May 8;8:7132. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25403-x

Table 2.

Results of variation partitioning showing the relative contribution of fishing, temperature, and their interactive effect to the total variation (in term of adjusted R2 value) for each of the 28 stocks.

Area Species Fishing Interaction Temp. Total adjR2
West US Atheresthes stomias 0.211** 0.000 0.070* 0.262
West US Sebastes goodie 0.176** 0.000 0.000 0.173
West US Sebastes crameri 0.012 0.000 0.030 0.029
West US Microstomus pacificus 0.038 0.001 0.094* 0.134
West US Parophrys vetulus 0.000 0.005 0.021 0.009§
West US Ophiodon elongatus 0.214** 0.000 0.058** 0.253
West US Sebastolobus altivelis 0.391** 0.000 0.006 0.392
West US Eopsetta jordani 0.093** 0.000 0.005 0.093
West US Sardinops sagax 0.033 0.000 0.035 0.057§
West US Sebastes diploproa 0.122* 0.000 0.015 0.110
West US Sebastes ruberrimus 0.312** 0.045 0.040 0.398§
Alaska (AI) Gadus chalcogramma 0.000 0.000 0.368 0.266
Alaska (GOA) Gadus chalcogramma 0.000 0.042 0.000 0.000
Alaska (EBS) Hippoglossoides elassodon 0.000 0.000 0.064 0.025
Alaska (GOA) Hippoglossoides elassodon 0.134* 0.000 0.000 0.109§
Alaska (EBS) Gadus macrocephalus 0.071* 0.000 0.034 0.104§
Alaska (GOA) Gadus macrocephalus 0.003 0.022 0.000 0.000
Alaska (GOA) Glyptocephalus zachirus 0.312 0.000 0.059 0.226
North Sea Gadus morhua 0.067* 0.078 0.094** 0.239§
North Sea Melanogrammus aeglefinus 0.139** 0.000 0.011 0.116
North Sea Clupea harengus 0.003 0.009 0.001 0.013§
North Sea Scomber scombrus 0.000 0.011 0.000 0.000
North Sea Trisopterus esmarkii 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000
North Sea Pleuronectes platessa 0.292** 0.112 0.037* 0.440
North Sea Pollachius virens 0.027 0.042 0.037 0.106
North Sea Solea solea 0.000 0.012 0.072* 0.078
North Sea Sprattus sprattus 0.025 0.000 0.102** 0.108
North Sea Merlangius merlangius 0.372 0.000 0.001 0.351§

*Indicates P < 0.05; **Indicates P < 0.01; §Indicates maximum adjusted R2 at 1-year lag; Indicates maximum adjusted R2 at 3-year lag.