FIG 1 .
Competitive colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by the E. faecalis wild type and mutant strains following combined inoculation. Percentages of CFU of E. faecalis strains from the initial inoculum mix and from stool samples collected 4 h and 1, 2, and 3 days after mixed inoculation of E. faecalis OG1RF and the ΔeutVW mutant (AR2) (A), OG1RF::gfp and the ΔeutVW mutant (AR2) (B), OG1RF::gfp and the ΔeutV mutant (SD54) (C), and OG1RF::gfp and the ΔeutV::PeutS eutV mutant (SD209) (D). In panel A, 10 CFU per mouse per time point were randomly picked and PCR screened to confirm the strains’ identities. For panels B, C, and D, >100 CFU were scored for GFP fluorescence per mouse per time point. An unpaired t test with Welch’s correction for the percentages of bacteria recovered from the stool samples versus the amounts in the initial inoculum mixture was used to calculate the P values.