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. 2017 Jul 3;3(4):353–358. doi: 10.1016/j.aninu.2017.06.006

Table 3.

Effects of spray-dried whole egg powder containing anti-F4 antibodies (SDWE) on plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) content and serum concentrations of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli-K88 (ETEC) challenged piglets.

Item Treatments1
SEM P-value
CEP SDWE1 SDWE2 Linear Quadratic
IL-6, pg/μL
d 0 147.82 90.85 94.69 28.72 0.203 0.396
d 1 163.57 134.40 106.63 38.49 0.306 0.988
d 2 134.15 172.79 135.06 41.90 0.988 0.464
TNF-α, pg/μL
d 0 285.68 229.71 233.27 57.56 0.526 0.677
d 1 168.64 163.41 232.57 42.86 0.302 0.486
d 2 114.38 204.03 168.66 59.59 0.526 0.400
PUN, mmol/L
d 0 5.06 5.24 4.51 0.43 0.382 0.392
d 1 3.48 3.38 3.94 0.55 0.554 0.626
d 2 4.22 3.83 4.98 0.59 0.373 0.298
d 7 3.86 2.84 4.26 0.50 0.578 0.061

CEP = control egg powder; SEM = Standard error of the mean.


CEP = basal diet plus 4 kg control egg powder/t feed (0); SDWE1 = basal diet plus 1 kg SDWE and 3 kg control egg powder/t feed (0.1%); SDWE2 = basal diet plus 4 kg SDWE/t feed (0.4%).