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. 2018 Apr 24;2018:7281405. doi: 10.1155/2018/7281405

Table 2.

Scale items and Cronbach's alphas for measures.

Category Scale Items Response scale Cronbach's alpha
Context Partnership capacity (1) Skills and expertise
(2) Diverse membership
(3) Legitimacy and credibility
(4) Ability to bring people together for meetings and activities
(5) Connections to political decision-makers, government agencies, and other organizations/groups
(6) Connections to relevant stakeholders
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.78
Final approval (1) Who made the final decision to approve participation in this research projects on behalf of the community? Choose all that apply (1) Agency leader, representative, board, or staff, (2) tribal/local government or health board/public health office, (3) individual community member(s), (4) project advisory board, (5) no community decision; individual research participants give consent N/A

Partnership structures Shared control of resources (1) Which partner (academic, community, or both) hires personnel on the project?
By community partners we mean agencies, organizations, tribal communities, health departments, individuals, or other entities representing communities
By academic partners we mean university or research institutions
(2) Who decides how the financial resources are shared?
(3) Who decides how the in-kind resources are shared?
(1) Community; (2) academic;
(3) both
Percentage of resources to the community (1) Thinking of the overall budget, how are the project's financial resources divided among community partners and academic partners? % to community N/A

Partnership structural values Bridging social capital (1) Does the community research team have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to interact effectively with the academic researcher team?
(2) Does the academic research team have members who are from a similar cultural background as the community research team?
(3) Overall, does the academic research team have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to interact effectively with the community research team?
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.69
Alignment with CBPR principles: partner focus (1) This project builds on resources and strengths in the community
(2) This project emphasizes what is important to the community (environmental and social factors) that affect well-being
(3) This project views community-engaged research as a long term process and a long term commitment
(4) This project fits local/cultural beliefs, norms, and practices
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.82
Core values (1) Members of our partnership have a clear and shared understanding of the problems we are trying to address
(2) There is a general agreement with respect to the mission of the partnership
(3) There is general agreement with respect to the priorities of the partnership
(4) Members agree on the strategies the partnership should use in pursuing its priorities
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.89

Relationships Participation (1) We showed positive attitudes towards one another
(2) Everyone in our partnership participated in our meetings
(3) We listened to each other
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.78
Cooperation (1) Arguments that occurred during our meetings were constructive
(2) When disagreements occurred, we worked together to resolve them
(3) Even though we did not have total agreement, we did reach a kind of consensus that we all accept
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.83
Respect (1) There were disrespectful remarks made during the conversation
(2) There was hidden or open conflict and hostility among the members
(3) The way the other members said some of their remarks was inappropriate
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.83
Trust (1) I trust the decisions others to make about issues that are important to our projects
(2) I am comfortable asking other people to take responsibility for project tasks even when I am not present to oversee what they do
(3) I can rely on the people that I work with on this project
(4) People in this group/community have confidence in one another
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.86
Participatory decision-making (1) Feel comfortable with the way decisions are made in the project
(2) Support the decisions made by the project team members
(3) Feel that your opinion is taken into consideration by other project team members
(4) Feel that you have been left out of the decision making process
1 (never) to 5 (always) 0.83
Leadership (1) Taking responsibility for moving the project forward
(2) Encouraging active participation of academic and community partners in the decision-making
(3) Communicating the goals of the project
(4) Working to develop a common language
(5) Fostering respect between partners
(6) Creating an environment where differences of opinion can be voiced
(7) Resolving conflict among partners
(8) Helping the partners be creative and look at things differently
(9) Recruiting diverse people and organizations into the project
(10) Providing orientation to new partners as they join the project
1 (very ineffective) to 5 (very effective) 0.94
Resource management (1) The team's financial resources
(2) The team's in-kind resources
(3) The team's time
1 (makes poor use) to 5 (makes excellent use) 0.86

Research/intervention Community involvement in research: background research (1) Developing community-based theories of the problem or intervention
(2) Grant proposal writing
(3) Background research
(4) Choosing research methods
(5) Developing sampling procedures
1 (community partners did not participate in this activity) to 3 (community partners were actively engaged in this activity) 0.81
Community involvement in research: data collection (1) Recruiting study participants
(2) Implementing the intervention
(3) Designing interview and/or survey questions
(4) Collecting primary data
1 (community partners did not participate in this activity) to 3 (community partners were actively engaged in this activity) 0.69
Community involvement in research: analysis & dissemination (1) Interpreting study findings
(2) Writing reports and journal articles
(3) Giving presentations at meetings and conferences
1 (community partners did not participate in this activity) to 3 (community partners were actively engaged in this activity) 0.82
Partnership synergy (1) Develop goals that are widely understood and supported in this partnership
(2) Develop strategies that are most likely to work for your community or stakeholders as a whole
(3) Recognize challenges and come up with good solutions
(4) Respond to the needs and problems of your stakeholders or community as a whole
(5) Work together as a team
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.90

Intermediate outcomes Personal capacity building (1) Enhanced my own reputation
(2) Increased utilization of my expertise or services
(3) Increased my ability to acquire additional financial support
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.80
Agency capacity building (1) Enhanced the agencies' reputation
(2) Enhanced the agencies' ability to affect public policy
(3) Increased utilization of agencies' expertise or services
1 (not at all) to 5 (to a great extent) 0.87
Sustainability of partnership/project (1) I am committed to sustaining the community-academic relationship with no or low funding
(2) This project is likely to continue forward after this funding is over
(3) Our partnership carefully evaluates funding opportunities to make sure they meet both community and academic partners' needs
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.71

Distal outcomes Community transformation (1) Resulted in policy changes
(2) Improved the overall health status of individuals in the community
(3) Resulted in acquisition of additional financial support
(4) Improved the overall environment in the community
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) 0.79
Health outcomes: community health improvement (1) Overall, how much did or will your research project (insert name) improve the health of the community? 1 (not at all) to 5 (a lot) N/A