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. 2018 May 9;8(5):e020491. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020491

Table 1.

Distributions of the study population in 2006 (n=1 727 644), prevalence and length of SA beginning in 2005 and proportion of participants experiencing a DR in 2007–2014

Men Women
Distribution (%) SA in 2005 (%) SA days in 2005* (median) New DR in 2007–2014 (%) Distribution (%) SA in 2005 (%) SA days in 20 05* (median) New DR in 2007–2014 (%)
Occupational class
 Upper non-manual 19.6 5.3 31 2.6 18.3 7.2 31 3.3
 Lower non-manual 17.7 8.1 32 4.3 41.4 11.9 33 6.5
 Manual worker 35.0 12.2 34 8.1 17.7 13.8 35 10.6
 Self-employed 12.2 7.0 42 7.1 6.9 7.8 40 7.3
 Outside employment 15.5 8.1 60 13.2 15.7 9.0 50 10.3
Age, years
 25–34 25.9 5.9 33 2.4 25.0 7.1 33 2.4
 35–44 27.9 8.5 34 4.2 27.6 10.0 33 4.5
 45–54 28.3 10.6 37 11.6 28.9 12.7 35 11.7
 55–62 17.9 11.0 40 11.0 18.5 13.5 37 11.0
Marital status
 Never married 35.6 7.3 36 6.1 27.6 8.3 33 5.7
 Married 52.2 9.3 35 6.5 55.5 11.0 34 7.1
 Other 12.3 11.6 40 12.1 16.9 14.6 36 11.5
Level of urbanisation
 Urban 57.5 8.3 35 6.3 59.3 10.2 34 6.8
 Densely populated 16.0 9.5 36 7.7 15.6 11.2 35 7.7
 Rural 26.5 9.6 36 8.2 25.1 11.4 36 8.2
No. of SA days in 2005: all
 0 91.1 0 6.1 87.5 0 5.9
 1–30 3.7 19 12.0 5.4 19 13.0
 31–60 2.3 42 15.8 3.5 42 15.8
 61–180 2.1 90 21.3 2.7 88 22.2
 >180 0.7 296 30.7 0.9 284 32.6
No. of SA days in 2005: MSD**
 0 97.1 0 6.7 97.3 0 6.7
 1–30 1.3 19 15.3 1.8 19 17.9
 31–60 0.7 43 19.1 1.0 44 20.5
 61–180 0.7 90 22.2 0.9 91 24.8
 >180 0.2 297 30.8 0.2 294 34.7
No. of SA days in 2005: mental†
 0 98.9 0 6.9 97.3 0 7.0
 1–30 0.4 19 14.2 1.0 20 14.0
 31–60 0.3 43 19.4 0.6 43 18.0
 61–180 0.3 93 27.3 0.5 93 24.4
 >180 0.2 319 33.3 0.2 303.5 32.9
No. of SA days in 2005: other‡
 0 95.0 0 6.7 93.7 0 6.9
 1–30 2.3 20 11.0 3.1 20 11.6
 31–60 1.3 42 13.7 1.9 41 13.1
 61–180 1.0 89 18.0 1.1 85 17.5
 >180 0.3 289 28.9 0.3 265 28.5
All 100 8.9 36 7.0 100 12.5 35 7.3
N 867 585 76 817 60 932 860 059 107 475 62 804

*Those with new SA spell that started in 2005.

** Musculoskeletal diseases

†Mental and behavioural disorders.

‡Other diagnoses.

DR, disability retirement; SA, sickness absence.