Table 2.
Main Mental Health Problem (primary problem descriptor) | Depression Measure | Recommended Anxiety Measure | Back-up to “Recommended Anxiety Measure” for calculating recovery if recommended measure is missing | Measure of Disability |
Depression | PHQ-9 | GAD-7 | WSAS | |
Generalized anxiety disorder | PHQ-9 | GAD-7 | WSAS | |
Mixed anxiety/depression | PHQ-9 | GAD-7 | WSAS | |
No problem descriptor | PHQ-9 | GAD-7 | WSAS | |
Social anxiety disorder | PHQ-9 | SPIN | GAD-7 | WSAS |
PTSD | PHQ-9 | IES-R | GAD-7 | WSAS |
Agoraphobia | PHQ-9 | MI | GAD-7 | WSAS |
OCD | PHQ-9 | OCI | GAD-7 | WSAS |
Panic disorder | PHQ-9 | PDSS | GAD-7 | WSAS |
Health anxiety (hypochondriasis) | PHQ-9 | HAI | GAD-7 | WSAS |
Note: Recovery, reliable improvement and reliable deterioration rate calculations are based the pair of measures highlighted in bold. When the measure in bold in the third column is missing, the recovery calculation is based on the combination of PHQ-9 and GAD-7, if this is different. PHQ-9 = patient health questionnaire depression scale (Kroenke et al. 2001). GAD-7 = the generalised anxiety disorder scale (Spitzer et al. 2006). SPIN = social phobia inventory (Connor et al. 2000). IES-R = impact of events scale revised (Creamer et al2003). MI = mobility inventory (Chambless et al. 1985). OCI = obsessive-compulsive inventory (Foa et al. 1998). PDSS = panic disorder severity scale (Shear et al. 2001). HAI = health anxiety inventory (Salkovskis et al. 2002). WSAS = work and social adjustment scale (Mundt et al. 2002).