Figure 6. Cutaneous CD4 memory T cells with distinct migratory and heterogeneous functional properties after C. albicans.
infection (A) KAEDE-red (red) and KAEDE-green (green) CD4 T cells in candida-infected dermis at day 45 after candida infection immediately (0 h, left), 6 hours (6 h, middle), and 24 hours (24 h, right) after violet light exposure. Imaging depth was 50 µm below the skin surface (dermis, blue). Scale bar, 100 µm. Skin KAEDE-red and KAEDE-green CD4 T cell mean velocity (left) and arrest coefficients (right) at (B) 6 hours and (C) 24 hours after violet light exposure at day 45 after candida infection on the ear skin. Points represent individual cells and the lines indicate the mean. Data are representative of five independent experiments (A–C). (D) KAEDE-red (red) and KAEDE-green (green) CD4 T cells in candida-infected dermis at day 90 after candida infection 24 hours after violet light exposure. Imaging depths were 25 µm (left), 50 µm (middle), 75 µm (right) below the skin surface (dermis, blue). Scale bar, 100 µm. Data are representative of three independent experiments. (E) Expression of CD103 and CD69 in KAEDE-green CD4 T cells in RAG1−/− mice (gated on CD3+CD4+ cells) from draining LN (left) and infected ear skin (right) at day 60 after candida infection before violet light exposure. (F) Expression of CD103 and CD69 in KAEDE-red (left) and KAEDE-green (middle) CD4 T cells in RAG1−/− mice (gated on CD3+CD4+ cells) from infected ear skin (right) at day 60 after candida infection 24 hours after violet light exposure. Data are representative of five experiments (E and F). Expression of CCR7, CD62L (G), and CD27 (H) in KAEDE-red (left) and KAEDE-green (middle) CD4 T cells (gated on CD3+CD4+ cells) from infected ear skin (right) at day 60 after candida infection 24 hours after violet light exposure. (I) Expression of KLRG1 in KAEDE-red (left) and KAEDE-green (middle) CD4 and CD8 T cells (gated on CD3+CD4+ and CD3+CD8+ cells) from infected ear skin (right) at day 60 after candida infection 24 hours after violet light exposure. Data are representative of five independent experiments (G–I). Expression of FoxP3 in KAEDE-red (left) and KAEDE-green (middle) CD4 T cells (gated on CD3+CD4+ cells) from infected ear skin (right) at day 60 after candida infection 48 hours (J) and 10 days (K) after violet light exposure. Data are representative of three independent experiments (J and K). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001.