Figure 3.
Pol I Response to CX-5461 Initiation Inhibition. (a) Bright-field, conventional and super-resolution reconstruction images of the Dendra2-RPA194 U2OS cell line after 48 hours of treatment with CX-5461. Sparse foci appear against a stronger background like in the untreated, interphase nucleus. Many dimmer foci that were not visible in the conventional image appear in the super-resolution reconstruction. (b) A sample time trace of a transient cluster (yellow circle in panel a) in the CX-5461 treated nucleus. The burst of detections occurs after a delay (~15 s, red arrow) after the beginning of acquisition, then abruptly stops, signatures of a transiently lived cluster (Supplementary Fig S3). (c) The fraction of stable vs. transient clusters in control and CX-5461 treated cells. (d) Histogram of transient cluster lifetimes in the CX-5461 treated cells. The mean lifetime is 8.7 ± 0.7 s. (e) Survival curve of stable clusters sizes for control and CX-5461 treated clusters. We analyzed a total of 10 cells imaged on three separate days. The cluster size is measured in counts, i.e., the number of localizations within the cluster.