Fig. 6.
Comparison of conventional X-ray patterns to merged XFEL patterns. Diffraction patterns from amyloid fibers composed of a Aβ(1–42)10, b IAPP(1–37)10, c Aβ(11–25)10, and d Het-s(218-289)58 are shown. The equator and the most prominent layer lines are marked on the right side. The white and black arrow mark the meridional reflection at about 4.8 Å and the equatorial reflection at about ~10 Å characteristic for stacked β-sheets and present in (a–d), respectively. Note, that all amyloid fibrils are non-crystalline except for (c), which is crystalline. Merged XFEL diffraction patterns of bombesin (e) and β-endorphin fibrils (f) extending to 2.4 Å resolution are shown for qualitative comparison. a–c are reprinted from publication10, Copyright (2010), with permission from Elsevier. d is reprinted from publication58 ( Further permissions related to the material excerpted should be directed to the ACS