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. 2018 May 3;6:102. doi: 10.3389/fped.2018.00102

Table 4.

Studies examining social cognition in Turner syndrome (TS).

Reference N Mean age in years (range) Full scale intelligence quotient (SD) [range] Mental age (MA), verbal mental age (VMA), and non verbal mental age (NVMA) (SD) [range] Comparison group Social cognition domain (task) Data analysis Main results
(85) 26 30.58 Typically developing (TD) Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task)
Ability to spontaneously attribute mental state (social-attribution task)
TS women are less accuracy in recognition of fear (p < 0.05) and sadness (p = 0.052) than TD group
TS women being less accurate in describing the animations than TD women (p = 0.05)
(86) 51 25.1 (15–44) Partial X chromosome deletion + TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task) MANOVA Children and women with TS showed a specific impairment for the recognition of fearful (p < 0.0001) and angry faces (p < 0.006)
(87) 14 10.1 (6.92–12.92) 90.43 (12.74) TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task)
Affective theory of mind (NEPSY-II)
ANOVA Girls with TS were significantly less accurate in the classification of fearful faces compared with TD controls (p = 0.007), however, did not differ in accuracy for the other emotions (happy: p = 0.073, neutral: p = 0.106, scrambled: p = 0.179)
(88) 23 24.6 (18–36) TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task) ANOVA Fear and anger were significantly less well recognized by women with TS than controls: for fear (p < 0.01); for anger (p < 0.01)
(89) 18 32.6 (18–63) 104.8 (16.3) TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task) MANOVA The TS group were significantly impaired in recognizing fear relative to control females, p < 0.013. None of the other emotions showed significant difference between the two groups
(90) 40 25.44 (19–33) 90.68 (9.30) [75–106] Noonan syndrome + TD Identification of dynamic facial expression (labeling task) ANOVA The mixed between-within subjects ANOVA revealed no significant effect of Group, indicating that the three groups did not significantly differ in accuracy of emotion perception
(91) 71 27 (17–50) 96 (9) TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task) ANOVA In comparison with TD group, women with TS showed a specific impairment for the recognition of fear (p = 0.001) and angry (p = 0.001) faces
(92) 94 31.2 98 (10) Women with premature ovarian failure + TD Identification of static facial expressions (labeling task) ANCOVA The TS group had difficulty to recognize “anger” (p = 0.005), but no “happy,” “sad,” “fear,” “surprise,” and “disgust”