Figure 1.
In primary cortical neurons, the swelling-induced Cl− current ICl,swell is inhibited by DCPIB. (A) Current density-voltage trace where: 1 is bath solution; 2 is with perfusion of 30% hypotonic solution; and 3 is with application of DCPIB (10 μmol/L) in the continued presence of hypotonic solution. Holding potential was -70 mV. (B) Representative time course plotting the outward current at +80 mV. (C) Comparison summary chart of the outward current (at +80 mV) of: control bath solution, activation of swelling-induced Cl− current ICl,swell with hypotonic solution, and subsequent inhibition with DCPIB in the continued presence of hypotonic solution. **P<0.01 vs control. ##P<0.01 vs 30% hypotonic solution, respectively (n=5/group; Repeated-measure One-way ANOVA with Bonferonni multiple comparison test).