Figure 4.
Plasma coagulation time. Various clinically relevant concentrations of Doxil and Doxebo were tested in prothrombin time, thrombin time, and activated partial thromboplastin time assays. For each nanoparticle concentration, three independent samples were prepared and analyzed in duplicate (%CV < 5). Each bar represents the mean (n = 3) ± SD. Normal plasma standard (Control N) and abnormal plasma standard (Control P) were used for instrument controls. Plasma pooled from at least three donors was either untreated (Untreated) or treated with nanoparticles at the concentrations shown. Prothrombin time assay in Na-Citrate (A) and hirudin (B) anticoagulated plasma; Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time in Na-citrate (C) and hirudin (D) anticoagulated; Thrombin time assay in Na-citrate (E) and hirudin (F) anticoagulated plasma.