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. 2018 May 9;19:57. doi: 10.1186/s12875-018-0747-0

Table 1.

Sociodemographic data of participants and short-response-sheet -participants (n = 577)

Characteristicsa Participants
(n = 470)
short-response-sheet -participants (n = 107) p-value
Age, mean (SD) 54.5 (7.9) 57.8 (9.0) < 0.001
Gender, n (%) Female 160 (34.0%) 55 (51.4%) < 0.001
Male 307 (65.3%) 51 (47.7%)
Employment as GP, n (%) < 5 years 35 (7.4%)
5–10 years 95 (20.2%)
11–20 years 134 (28.5%)
> 20 years 203 (43.2%)
Location of GP’s practice, n (%) Urban 119 (25.3%)
Rural 86 (18.3%)
Medium-size town 253 (53.8%)
Challenging patients, proportion (range) 15.96% (0–80%)

an various due to missing data; SD standard deviation, GP general practitioner