Table 4.
Reduction in total headache days in CC and PP populations.
Endpoint | Baseline Mean, (SD) N Med (min, max) | Change Mean, (SD) N Med (min, max) | 95% confidence interval | t-statistic | p-value |
Headache daysa (CC) | 10.58 (4.33) 117 10.0 (4, 24) | −3.16 (5.21) 117 −4.0 (−22, 9) | (−4.12, −2.21) | −5.25 | <0.0001 |
Headache daysa (PP) | 10.79 (4.32) 95 10 (4, 24) | −3.28 (5.16) 95 −4 (−22, 9) | (−4.34, −2.23) | −5.01 | <0.0001 |
A headache day is defined as a day with a headache lasting ≥4 or more hours with pain of any intensity.