Fig. 3.
Decomposition of glucosinolates in horseradish extract incubated with endophytic and soil fungi for 16 days. Data are given for a single vial (equivalent to 0.295 g FW horseradish root). Subplots: a., sinigrin; b., glucoiberin; c., gluconasturtiin; d., glucobrassicin. Fungi: E1, Fusarium oxysporum; E2, Macrophomina phaseolina; E3, Fusarium oxysporum; E4, Setophoma terrestris; E5, Paraphoma radicina; E6, Paraphoma radicina; E7, Oidiodendron cerealis; C_0, control (zero time); C_16, control (end-time); S1-S10: soil fungi from the same site as one of the horseradish samples. Statistical test: Dunnett’s test, end-time samples were compared to end-time control (n = 3, ***, p < 3*10− 6; **, p < 3*10− 5 *, p < 1.9*10− 4). For the data in Table form, see Additional file 2 Table S2