Table 1.
Cases of women with false positive cfDNA and outcomes
Case | Age/gravidity and parity |
cfDNA technique |
cfDNA result | CVS (result) | Amnio (result) |
US (results) |
GA at preX dx | GA at delivery |
Pregnancy complications |
Birth weight |
1 | 35G2P0101 | MPS | Aneuploidy suspected (borderline NCV value for chromosome 13) | Yes—47, XX+13[3]/46, XX[27]a | Yes—46, XX | Normal | 33/5 | 34/0 SVD | Severe PreX | 8 lbs 6 oz |
2 | 36G1 | MPS | Results consistent with trisomy for chromosome 13 | No | Yes 46, XY | Normal | 36/6 | 37/0 LTCS | PreX | 6 lbs 12 oz |
3 | 37G6P2032 | Targeted microarray | Aneuploidy detected for chromosome 13 | No | Yes, nl FISHb and CMA | Normal | Postop day 1 | 39/0 LTCS | PreX | 8 lbs |
4 | 35G4P2012 | MPS | Aneuploidy suspected (borderline NCV value for chromosome 13) | No | No | Normal | 38/4 | 38/4 LTCS | gHTN | 7 lbs 8 oz |
5 | 37G1 | MPS | Indeterminate for chromosome 13c | No | Yes—nl FISHb and CMA | Normal | Moved out of country at 33 wks | |||
6 | 35G1 | MPS | Aneuploidy suspected (borderline NCV value for 13) | No | No | Normal | None | 40 2/7LTCS | None | 7 lbs 3 oz |
cfDNA, cell-free DNA; MPS, massive parallel sequencing; NCV, normalized chromosome value; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; CVS, chorionic villus sampling; Amnio, amniocentesis; US, ultrasound; GA, gestational age; preX, preeclampsia; dx, diagnosis; CMA, chromosome microarray analysis; wks, weeks; gHTN, gestational hypertension; SVD, spontaneous vaginal delivery; LTCS, low transverse cesarean delivery; BP, blood pressure; lbs, pounds; oz, ounce.
Both euploid and trisomic cells were observed in two independent cultures using cell-type LTC (mesenchyme).
All FISH were carried out using interphase in situ hybridization.
The report reads: This result is likely caused by a segmental duplication or mosaic trisomy of the fetus or placenta. Copy number variant detection by microarray testing is recommended of the fetus to investigate these findings.