Figure 2. GP120 has no significant effect on EPSCAMPAR.
EPSCAMPAR was recorded in the presence of a specific NMDA receptor antagonist APV (50μM) in the perfusate. The recorded EPSCAMPAR can be blocked by addition of a specific AMPAR antagonist CNQX (10 μM) to the bath. A. Representative EPSCAMPAR current traces recorded from a CA1 pyramidal neuron in a rat hippocampal slice showing the amplitudes of EPSCAMPAR were not altered by bath application of gp120 at a concentration of 200pM (n=9), or even at 400pM (n=5). Each trace shown was an average of consecutive 10 evoked EPSCAMPAR. B. A summary bar graph illustrating average EPSCAMPAR amplitudes measured before (Ctrl) and during bath perfusion of gp120 (gp120). Note that gp120 failed to alter the EPSCAMPAR amplitudes at either 200pM (n=9) or 400pM (n=5).