Representative fluorescence images for cells co-expressing 6xIAPP in combination with either STE24 or a vector control and either Kar2 protein C-terminally fused to mNG at its endogenous locus (Kar2-mNG, top panels); Scj1 protein C-terminally fused to mNG at its endogenous locus (Scj1-mNG, middle panels); or overexpressed msfGFP N-terminally fused to the Kar2ss and C-terminally fused to the ER-retention sequence HDEL (Kar2ss-msfGFP-HDEL, bottom panels). The three estradiol doses are for uninduced (0 nM), low toxicity (10 nM), and high toxicity (100 nM) conditions. For Kar2 and Scj1 the mean GFP intensity of the cells was quantified, while the fraction of cells with cytoplasmic, rather than ER-localized GFP was quantified for Kar2ss-msfGFP-HDEL. At least 100 cells were quantified per replicate and experiments were performed in biological triplicate. Error bars = SD of biological replicates. Scale bar = 5 μm.