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. 2018 Apr 17;9(29):20524–20538. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.24980

Table 4. Overview of the distributed samples for each subscheme in the ESP lung EQA schemes between 2012-2015.

Subscheme Scheme year Nr of participants Nr of samples
Sample origin Number of slides distributed per sample Section thickness (μm) Samples included in performance score Educational samples (not included in performance score)
EGFR analysis 2013 107 4 4 cell lines 1 5 1 WT, 3 mut 0 WT, 0 mut
2014 144 9 5 cell lines, 4 resections 2 5 2 WT, 7 mut 0 WT, 0 mut
2015 114 10 10 resections 2 5 5 WT, 4 mut 0 WT, 1 mut
ALK IHC 2012 29 8 4 cell lines, 4 resections 2 5 4 +ve, 4 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2013 48 12 6 cell lines, 6 resections 1 5 3 +ve, 9 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2014 96 10 4 cell lines, 6 resections 2 3 2 +ve, 7 -ve 1 +ve, 0 -ve
2015 95 5 5 resections 2 3 2 +ve, 3 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
ALK FISH 2012 54 8 4 cell lines, 4 resections 2 5 3 +ve, 2 -ve 1 +ve, 2 -ve
2013 100 12 6 cell lines, 4 resections 1 5 2 +ve, 3 -ve 2 +ve, 5 -ve
2014 116 10 4 cell lines, 6 resections 1 5 2 +ve, 6 -ve 1 +ve, 1 -ve
2015 111 5 5 resections 1 5 2 +ve, 3 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
ALK FISH digital 2012 65 4 Digital images from resection specimens NA NA 2 +ve, 2 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2013 106 4 2 +ve, 2 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2014 81 4 2 +ve, 2 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2015 111 5 2 +ve, 3 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
ROS1 IHC 2014 31 10 4 cell lines, 6 resections 2 3 2 +ve, 8 -ve 0 +ve, 0 -ve
2015 31 6 5 resections 2 3 2 +ve, 3 -ve 1 +ve, 0 -ve
ROS1 FISH 2014 56 10 4 cell lines, 6 resections 2 5 1 +ve, 7 -ve 1 +ve, 1 -ve
2015 68 6 1 cell line,
5 resections
1 5 2 +ve, 3 -ve 1 +ve, 0 -ve
ROS1 FISH digital 2015 68 5 Digital images from resection specimens NA NA 1 +ve, 3 -ve 1 +ve, 0 -ve

The schemes of 2012 and 2013 are two pilot EQA schemes for which the set-up has previously been reported [17]. The following variants were part of the EGFR variant analysis schemes: c.2155G>A p.(Gly719Ser), c.2156G>C p.(Gly719Ala), c.2235_2249del p.(Glu746_Ala750del), c.2327G>A p.(Arg776His), c.2369C>T p.(Thr790Met), c.2573T>G p.(Leu858Arg), c.2300_2308dup p.(Ala767_Val769dup). Abbreviations: ALK, anaplastic lymphoma kinase; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; EQA, external quality assessment; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; IHC, immunohistochemistry; mut, mutated; NA, not applicable; Nr, Number; ROS1, proto-oncogene 1 tyrosine-protein kinase; WT, wild-type; +ve, positive; -ve, negative.