Single-molecule tracking of HIV-1 Env trimers reveals that the Env-CT does not significantly alter diffusivity on the nanoscale, but determines the fraction of Env that is confined/immobile. a, d Single-particle tracking of WT-Env (left), CTΔ144-Env (middle), and d8-Env (right) labeled with Fab b12-Atto565 in a CEM-A cells and d COS7 cells. Scale bars are 2 μm (top) and 500 nm (red inset region, bottom). Tracks were classified as immobile and confined (dark green) versus mobile (light green). b, e Mean diffusion coefficients were computed based on individual molecular tracks in CEM-A (WT-Env, n = 1514; CTΔ144-Env, n = 9694; and d8-Env, n = 2139, each from four biological replicates) and COS7 (WT-Env, n = 274; CTΔ144-Env, n = 2238; and d8-Env, n = 1019 each from ≥4 biological replicates). b In CEM-A cells, the mean diffusion coefficients of tracks classified as mobile for the CTΔ144-Env (Dmobile = 0.149 ± 0.054 μm2 s−1) and d8-Env (Dmobile = 0.107 ± 0.067 μm2 s−1) are not significantly different when compared to WT-Env (Dmobile = 0.097 ± 0.049 μm2 s−1). e For COS7 cells, mean diffusion coefficients of tracks classified as mobile indicate that the CTΔ144 (Dmobile = 0.108 ± 0.053 μm2 s−1) and d8 mutations (Dmobile = 0.144 ± 0.087 μm2 s−1) do not significantly alter the diffusion rates of Env when compared to WT-Env (Dmobile = 0.085 ± 0.056 μm2 s−1). c, f The Env-CT dictates the confined/immobile fraction of Env on the plasma membrane. c In CEM-A cells, the confined/immobile fractions of the CTΔ144-Env and (27 ± 5%) and d8-Env (56 ± 15%) were both found to be significantly smaller relative to WT-Env (80 ± 6%). f In COS7 cells, the confined/immobile fractions of the CTΔ144-Env (57 ± 5%) and d8-Env (72 ± 13%) were significantly lower relative to WT-Env (92 ± 4%), suggesting that steric trapping of Env is dependent on the Env-CT. Error bars indicate s.d. ***P < 0.0001 and n.s. indicates not significant using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test. CEM-A (WT-Env, n = 7862; CTΔ144-Env, n = 13,338; and d8-Env, n = 5434) and COS7 (WT-Env, n = 3790; CTΔ144-Env, n = 5283; and d8-Env, n = 4384)