Fig. 4. Effect of sμg on hpOb motility.
Upper panel: Wound assay on hpOB cells normo-gravity vs. Sμg. a Scratched cell monolayer recorded at t0. b The wound after 24 h under normo-gravity. c The wound after 24 h Sμg exposition. Dashed lines highlight the place where the scratch occurred (microscopic magnification 4×). Lower panel: Cell migrating front: ZOOM of hpOBs at 18 h after the wound: normo-gravity vs. Sμg. d, e Micrograph of hpOBs close to leading edge under normo-gravity conditions from upright and inverted microscope, respectively. Images display no/rare cellular structures compatible with cell protrusions (filopodia or lamellipodia). f, g Images show osteoblasts next to leading edge after 18 h microgravity incubation from upright and inverted microscope, respectively. Arrows indicate the presence of several lamellipodia or filopodia-like protrusions. Toluidine blue staining in pictures from inverted microscope