Figure 2.
GO biological process enrichment of PB and PJK in response to low (0.25 mM KNO3), medium (2 mM KNO3) and high nitrate treatment (4 mM KNO3): Hierarchical tree graph of overrepresented GO terms in biological function category in response to low (A,B), medium (C,D) and high nitrate (E,F) treatments. Boxes in the graph represent GO terms with their GO ID, term definition and statistical information. Significant GO terms (p ≤ 0.05) are marked with color and non-significant GO terms are shown in white boxes. The degree of color saturation of a box is positively correlated to the enrichment level of the term. Solid, dashed, and dotted lines represent two, one and zero enriched terms at both ends connected by the line, respectively. The rank direction of the graph is set to from top to bottom.