Probes and constructs. A, Schematic outline of the barley AGPase cDNAs. Primers used in the RT-PCR are shown as arrowheads; probes used in northern-blot analysis are marked with horizontal bars. Transcript-specific primer pairs for the RT-PCR: bepsF1, 1 and 2, 516 nt; blps14, 2 and 3, 713 nt; bepl10, 4 and 5, 692 nt; and blpl14, 5 and 6, 491 nt. Transcript-specific probes for northern blot: the 150-nt upstream SacI fragment of bepsF1; the 230-nt SacI upstream fragment of blps14; the 543-nt fragment of bepl10; and the 317-nt fragment of blpl14. In addition, the 600-nt EcoRI common fragment of bepsF1/blps14 was used in northern-blot analysis (white region of bepsF1 and blps14).