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. 2018 Mar 7;6(2):297–306. doi: 10.1002/iid3.217

Table 1.

Characteristics of schoolchildren stratified by eczema symptoms status

Variables No eczema symptoms n = 38 (20.99%) Eczema symptoms n = 143 (79.01%) X2 test: p value
Children characteristics
Urban area 68 (47.55) 18 (47.37) 0.984
6‐9 yrs 98 (68.53) 22 (57.89) 0.218
10‐13 yrs 45 (31.47) 16 (42.11)
Mean (SD) 8.66 (1.68) 8.84 (1.74)
Male 81 (56.64) 19 (50.00) 0.464
Nutritional status
Overweight 26 (18.18) 10 (26.32) 0.264
Parents/Guardian characteristics
Education status
Low education 84 (58.74) 24 (63.15) 0.928*
Middle education 16 (11.19) 4 (10.53)
High education 43 (30.07) 10 (26.32)
Socioeconomic Status
Low 53 (37.06) 16 (42.10) 0.764
Middle 44 (30.77) 12 (31.58)
High 46 (32.17) 10 (26.32)
Hygiene factors
Habits related to hygiene
Hand‐washing performance
Frequent 67 (46.85) 15 (39.47) 0.417
Partial ablution performance (PA)
Frequent 112 (78.32) 24 (63.16) 0.055
Household characteristics related to hygiene
(children ≤13 years old in the house)
3 or more children 39 (27.27) 16 (42.11) 0.077
Pet at home
Yes 16 (11.19) 9 (23.68) 0.047
Household water supply
Treated water 64 (45.07) 17 (44.74) 0.971
Family allergic history
Paternal allergic disease
Probabily/Ever 26 (18.18) 18 (47.37) >0.001
Maternal allergic disease
Probabily/Ever 34 (23.78) 14 (36.84) 0.105
Smoker at home
Yes 96 (67.13) 24 (63.16) 0.645
>6 months 123 (86.01) 31 (81.58) 0.495

*Fisher exact test.