Pro-inflammatory cytokines in the blood serum of rats fed experimental diets. C, control fed a diet with 65.8% corn starch; F, fed a diet with 65.0% fructose (F) added at the expense of corn starch; C + ME, fed a corn starch-diet with a monomeric ET-rich extract; F + ME, fed a fructose-diet with a monomeric ET-rich extract; C + DE, fed a corn starch-diet with a dimeric ET-rich extract; F + DE, fed a fructose-diet with a dimeric ET-rich extract. a,b,c Mean values within a column with different superscript letters were shown to be significantly different (p < 0.05). Tumor necrosis factor-α, (TNF-α); Interleukin 6, (IL-6).