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. 2018 May 11;18:615. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5470-1

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics among children aged 6–17 years in urban Guangzhou, China

Total Boys Girls P value
 No. of participants 18,302 8624 9678
 Age (years) 11.32(3.16) 11.29(0.04) 11.49(0.04) 0.001
 From Northern area (%) 40.4 40.5 40.2 < 0.001
 Monthly income of  Family (%) 0.012
  ≤ 5000 yuan 30.5 29.8 31.0
  > 5000 yuan 13.9 13.5 14.4
 Not willing to answer 55.6 56.7 54.6
 Mother’s education year  (%) 0.01
  ≤ 9 43.7 55.0 51.9
 10–12 20.4 25.6 25.6
 13–16 11.9 11.0 12.6
  ≥ 16 9.8 9.8 9.8
Puberty on-set (%) 56.1 43.4 65.2 < 0.001
Height(cm) 147.26(16.12) 148.95(0.22) 146.93(0.21) < 0.001
Weight(kg) 39.46(12.57) 40.56(0.17) 39.29(0.16) < 0.001
BMI 17.73(2.26) 17.65(0.03) 17.73(0.03) 0.078
Dietary intake (servings/day)
 Fruit 1.27(1.06) 1.25(0.01) 1.30(0.01) 0.006
 Vegetable 1.79(1.40) 1.81(0.02) 1.79(0.02) 0.27
 Meat 1.17(1.21) 1.32(0.02) 1.02(0.02) < 0.001
 Sugar beverage 0.41(0.74) 0.50(0.01) 0.33(0.01) < 0.001
Physical Activity (PA)
 HLPA (hour/day) 0.47(0.69) 0.61(0.01) 0.45(0.01) < 0.001
 MLPA (hour/day) 0.48(0.72) 0.53(0.01) 0.44(0.01) < 0.001
 Walking (hour/day) 0.78(1.13) 0.84(0.02) 0.74(0.02) < 0.001
 Sedentary (hour/week) 39.38(25.72) 38.40(0.35) 40.05(0.02) < 0.001
Sleep duration (%)
  < 7 h 18.3 16.8 19.6 < 0.001
 7–9 h 57.3 57.8 56.9
  > 9 h 24.4 25.4 23.5

Continuous variables are displayed as mean (standard error, for boys and girls) and mean (standard deviation, for total), categorical variables are displayed as proportion. P values are from T-tests (continuous variables) and chi-square tests (categorical variables) between boys and girls

BMI body mass index, PA physical activity, HLPA high level physical activity, MLPA middle level activity

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