Post-MI myocardial galectin-3 expression and macrophage infiltration
1 week after LAD ligation. Wild-type mice showed scattered areas of
galectin-3 positivity (Panel A1), which was absent in the myocardial
sections obtained from galectin-3 KO mice (Panel A2). Panel A3
represents isotype control for galectin-3 antibody. Panel A4 represents
quantitative analysis of Panels A1 and A2 (7 myocardial fields, each
group). The macrophage-specific F4/80 staining in WT mice showed
abundant positively stained cells in the infarct (red arrow) and
peri-infarct (blue arrow) regions, especially in the areas of excess
cardiomyocyte loss (Panel B1). The galectin-3 KO mice showed reduced
F4/80 positive cellular infiltration compared with WT mice (Panel B2).
Panel B3 represents isotype control for mouse F4/80 antibody. Panel B4
represents quantitative analysis of Panels B1 and B2 (12 myocardial
fields, each group). KO indicates knock-out; LAD, left anterior
descending; MI, myocardial infarction; WT, wild-type.
*P < .05.