Fig. 1.
Example of parent signal and autoregulation index fluctuations during plateau wave. AMP fundamental amplitude of ICP, a.u. arbitrary units, CPP cerebral perfusion pressure, Dx diastolic flow index (between FVd and CPP), FVd diastolic flow velocity, FVm mean flow velocity, FVs systolic flow velocity, ICP intracranial pressure, LDF laser Doppler flowmetry, LDF-CBF LDF cerebral blood flow, Lx laser Doppler flow index (between LDF-CBF and CPP), Mx mean flow index (between FVm and CPP), PAx between AMP and MAP, PRx pressure reactivity index (between ICP and MAP), RAC between AMP and CPP, TCD transcranial Doppler. ICP, MAP, and CPP are measured in mm Hg. LDF-CBF, PRx, PAx, RAC, Mx, Sx, Dx, and Lx are all measured in a.u