Effects of PAT inhibitors on maize seedling growth. Dwarfism and twisting: A and C, Plants on the left have been germinated on control medium and allowed to grow in sterile pots for 2 weeks; plants on the right have been germinated in the presence of 28 μm TIBA and grown for the same time. B, The plant on the left is a wild-type sibling of the rs2 mutant plant shown on the right. Displaced ligule formation: D, Seedling leaf of an untreated wild-type plant. White arrow points to the ligule. Leaf twisting and aberrant ligular formation in a TIBA-treated wild-type plant (E) and in a rs2 mutant plant (F). White arrows point to the non-discrete ligular boundary. Hypertrophic vascularization: G, Vascular morphology of a lateral vein in an untreated wild-type seedling. Vascular hypertrophy seen in a TIBA-treated plant (H) and in a rs2 mutant (I) plant. Xylem and phloem are labeled X and P, respectively. Gray lines indicate the edge of the phloem in each case. Bar = 30 μm.