Fig. 9.
Interaction of CLR-Ms ATP6AP2/CAV and Gα proteins. hADSCs isolated from healthy subjects and differentiated for 37 days as indicated in Methods. Co-IP of ATP6AP2 and CAV in CLR-Ms: CLR-M fraction of MSCs and NLCs immunoprecipitated (IP) with anti-ATP6AP2 antibody and probed with anti-CAV1 antibody or vice versa (a). Co-IP of ATP6AP2 or CAV with Gα proteins (Gαs, Gαi, Gαq) in CLR-Ms (b). Input for whole experiments were positive. Representative blots of healthy group shown; similar results observed in ND group (data not shown). Ab antibody, CAV caveolin, CTR control, D day, MSC mesenchymal stem cell, NLC neuron-like cell