Fig. 1.
STAT1 is overexpressed in human epithelial ovarian cancer. a Immunohistochemical staining of STAT1 in ovarian tissues. A brown color in epithelial cells is considered as a positive staining. Representative images of pSTAT1-Y701, pSTAT1-S727, and total STAT1 expression in normal ovarian tissue (Normal), benign tumor (Benign), serous borderline tumor (Borderline), and high-grade serous carcinoma (Malignant) are shown. Original magnification, × 400; scale bar, 100 μm. b The case rate of pSTAT1-Y701, pSTAT1-S727, and STAT1 positivity and negativity. For comparison between two groups, χ2 test was applied. c STAT1 mRNA expression detected by quantitative RT-PCR. The expression of STAT1α and total STAT1 was higher in ovarian serous malignant tumors (Normal, n = 3; Benign, n = 6; Borderline, n = 3; Malignant, n = 4). d The expression of total STAT1, pSTAT1-Y701, and pSTAT1-S727 detected by immunoblotting. Representative images are shown. STAT1α, 91 kDa; STAT1β, 84 kDa. e Densitometric analysis of the gels in (d) (Normal, n = 5; Benign, n = 6; Borderline, n = 3; Malignant, n = 6). *, P < 0.05 compared to normal tissue