Figure 2. Heat map representation and hierarchical clustering of gene expression changes.
Data represent differential gene expression profiles (2−ΔΔCT i.e., fold-changes) for genes listed along ordinate. Yellow vertical lines designate 3 levels of analyses for respective column headings: Left: Cell type (SMC vs. EC) across vessel type and age group. Center: Vessel type (MA vs. SEA) across cell type and age group; Right: Age (Young vs. Old) across cell type and vessel type. Control genes (Nos3, Acta2) are listed twice based upon their use in both arrays compiled for all genes depicted. Red indicates increased expression and green indicates decreased expression; color intensity indicates the magnitude of difference in expression according to horizontal scale at top. Black depicts genes with no significant difference in expression. Values were hierarchically clustered based on average linkage analysis as depicted in the dendrogram on the left of the heatmap.